in my childhood, i realized what the sound is by listening the sound of machine language which sounds like this.
then i started to experiment by recording fart sounds with a cassette tape recorder.
展覧会 exhibition
アート artworks
プロジェクト projects
音楽 music
アプ iphone app
ミー me, myself & i
When I was 9 years old of ages, I got my first ever personal computer "National MSX CF-2000", then had much fun in coding RPG game programs. Besides, I got so excited to listen to the noisy sound recorded on the cassette tapes for storing the programs I had typed with keyboards. Oddly enough, on choosing a cassette tape of music to bring with me for vacation, I picked out the one full of the sound of those brutal noises, instead of the soundtrack of "Ghostbusters".
富山県出身。東京造形大学中退。渡英。サウンド&レコーディング Cornelius リミックス・コンテスト最優秀賞(共作)。文化庁メディア芸術祭審査員特別賞(共作)。London International Creative Competition ファイナリスト。Aesthetica Art Price, 100 Contemporary Artist 選出。京都芸術大学アートライティングコース卒業。楽器はフルート、TB-303。